#Sap invoice document info record install
If you want to copy content from a content repository to another (not re-locate), install the program Z_DOC_COPY from OSS note 2774469 – Program to copy SAP content repositories. Full background of program RSGOS_RELOCATE_ATTA can be found in OSS note 2293171 – RSGOS_RELOCATE_ATTA: Relocating attachments from generic object services. This way you can migrate most of the documents before running the full run with RSIRPIRL. GOS documents are normally the bulk of the documents. This program migrates the GOS documents specified per type and page. You can choose to replace this code by sending a mail or do anything else. Use SE92 to create a new system log message. In case of issues it will write an entry to the application log. The program uses function module SCMS_HTTP_PING to test the connection. WRITE: / TEXT-004, ls_crep-crep_id. "Ping to webservice not ok IF z_ok abap_false AND NOT ls_crep-http_sport CO c_zero.

SELECT SINGLE crep_id, http_serv, http_port, http_sport, http_scrpt, version PARAMETERS p_crep TYPE scms_crep MATCHCODE OBJECT h_crep_http. *&-*ĬONSTANTS: c_mesid TYPE char3 VALUE 'ZZZ', "system log message ID defined in SE92

Load this ABAP code into your system and create the texts: *&-* Custom code ABAP check program for testing the ABAP to content server connection We will use the function module SCMS_HTTP_PING which is behind this button for our custom code ABAP test program.